Hands of Healing…

Our hands are not just for the day to day activities we put them through. They are far more important than we give them credit for.  Hands can have the ability to transfer energy, whether it be love, harm, joy, sadness or pain.

Like in a fantasy movie where the fairy godmothers possess a magical wand to make things right or even cast spells, I believe our hands can act like a magical wand, giving off the energy to make changes or create disasters. People can feel the energy we have through our hands, whether it be a firm hand shake to a gentle touch on the cheek… With our hands we can cause pain or heal.  I have felt both.

Hands of pain; unfortunately, people can cause great pain with the same hands they could heal with. Their touch can steal energy from you to fulfill their own desires.  They can leave you with a permanent ache in your soul. More often then not we find the hands of pain then healing. I believe that their energy was given to them by someone else. Perhaps by someone they loved. Perhaps their good energy was taken from them by hands of pain.  Energy created by pain can be strong enough to steal all your energy. Without even knowing it they could be looking to let it out, and you could be the victim of the attempt to transfer the energy. Some of us are strong enough to carry that energy for them.. many of us are not.


Hands of Healing; Hands are capable of incomparable healing. The touch from the right hands can send energy through you that can flood your senses, you can feel it healing your soul. You feel relief, you feel safe, you feel loved. You can feel their full presence with you and their willingness to give their energy to you to fill in the cracks and voids. What use to be numb know has feeling. With just their hands they have healed you and opened a new life for you. now that you have the energy you needed you can give back… together you are stronger, together you will forever have healing hands..

Quote of the day..

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt

There is always that one hero..

Sitting here as an adult it is clear  the heroes in my life…. no, not the ones that jump in the burning building to save your life at the last minute, but rather the ones that gave you just what you needed at the right moment that stays with you a lifetime… saving that moment for you without you even knowing it. Giving you wisdom with just the smallest gestures or words.  I believe that we make soul ties as we go through life… the ties that help center us as a person. There have been so many times in my life where all of a sudden what was said to me in one of those moments comes flooding back in my memory and the importance of it becomes clear.  Being from a Blended family myself I have had many different people pass through my life leaving their mark.. good and bad, each teaching a lesson. Most of my greatest lessons in showing love come from people that shared no blood with me, only the common tie of love. The most important of any of those was my grandpa, he was the greatest lesson to me on many levels , he showed love, empathy, self sacrifice, and strength.  I learned these things from him through his actions. He adored me and I knew it.. he was a man of very few words but so loud in action. He held my heart like no other and protected as his own. I remember many times when he would comfort me but one will always stand out. I was just a young girl and was on the heavier side, I was teased greatly at school and on the bus. One day I stepped off the bus in tears… he didn’t say a word. He walked me home, sat me at the table and proceeded to make us tomato and green onion sandwiches, still not saying a word… he then sat next to me and said ” do you know why I love your grandma so much” …  now my grandmother was a very heavy woman so as the world would see it i naturally thought of everything else… he answer ” because she keeps me warm at night”  and he smiled at me… that was all I needed and we sat there in silence again.  From that day forward my grandpa was at the bus stop everyday waiting for me. When he passed away my heart was broken and empty… that void was never filled again until now… until the man that stands before me now. The man that reminds me everyday of  my grandpa.. my hero sent me a hero to stand in his place.

Things don’t always go as planned….

Here it is my first post….  it is hard to know where  to start in this process. I think we all have this vision of what we want our life’s to be. We find out that our life’s sometimes are not as much in our control as we thought. Our minds are so sensitive to whats around us, to what our eyes see, what our ears hear and what our naive hearts  feel.  I believe we are  born with the soul that puts it mark on the world were it is meant to be, good or bad. What happens to us, what we endure is not always to the benefit of us. You may be the vessel to teach the lesson, or perhaps learn the lesson, maybe even carry the burden for a weaker soul, or even perhaps come up with the answer.  Whatever our place is it all has purpose. There have been many times when i have asked “why me?”, I felt like I could not endure anymore. But once I surrendered to the situation I could see its purpose, sometimes to my liking , sometimes not.. but in the end I would look back and realize why it happen the way it did. The trick to it all is seeing the purpose while it is happening. This is the greatest challenge. You have to surrender to it, Let it be what it will.