Hands of Healing…

Our hands are not just for the day to day activities we put them through. They are far more important than we give them credit for.  Hands can have the ability to transfer energy, whether it be love, harm, joy, sadness or pain.

Like in a fantasy movie where the fairy godmothers possess a magical wand to make things right or even cast spells, I believe our hands can act like a magical wand, giving off the energy to make changes or create disasters. People can feel the energy we have through our hands, whether it be a firm hand shake to a gentle touch on the cheek… With our hands we can cause pain or heal.  I have felt both.

Hands of pain; unfortunately, people can cause great pain with the same hands they could heal with. Their touch can steal energy from you to fulfill their own desires.  They can leave you with a permanent ache in your soul. More often then not we find the hands of pain then healing. I believe that their energy was given to them by someone else. Perhaps by someone they loved. Perhaps their good energy was taken from them by hands of pain.  Energy created by pain can be strong enough to steal all your energy. Without even knowing it they could be looking to let it out, and you could be the victim of the attempt to transfer the energy. Some of us are strong enough to carry that energy for them.. many of us are not.


Hands of Healing; Hands are capable of incomparable healing. The touch from the right hands can send energy through you that can flood your senses, you can feel it healing your soul. You feel relief, you feel safe, you feel loved. You can feel their full presence with you and their willingness to give their energy to you to fill in the cracks and voids. What use to be numb know has feeling. With just their hands they have healed you and opened a new life for you. now that you have the energy you needed you can give back… together you are stronger, together you will forever have healing hands..