Things don’t always go as planned….

Here it is my first post….  it is hard to know where  to start in this process. I think we all have this vision of what we want our life’s to be. We find out that our life’s sometimes are not as much in our control as we thought. Our minds are so sensitive to whats around us, to what our eyes see, what our ears hear and what our naive hearts  feel.  I believe we are  born with the soul that puts it mark on the world were it is meant to be, good or bad. What happens to us, what we endure is not always to the benefit of us. You may be the vessel to teach the lesson, or perhaps learn the lesson, maybe even carry the burden for a weaker soul, or even perhaps come up with the answer.  Whatever our place is it all has purpose. There have been many times when i have asked “why me?”, I felt like I could not endure anymore. But once I surrendered to the situation I could see its purpose, sometimes to my liking , sometimes not.. but in the end I would look back and realize why it happen the way it did. The trick to it all is seeing the purpose while it is happening. This is the greatest challenge. You have to surrender to it, Let it be what it will.

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