Take back control…

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over, instead of craving control over what you don’t.”

I struggle everyday with this, I give others to much power over the way I feel. But everyday I am closer to having freedom from the power they have over me. When you are a empathetic  person, a person that feels everyone’s emotions, you tend to carry a heavy burden. You tend to lose yourself in it all, the worry for others souls is extreme. People often tell me I am a special kind of soul. I have learned to agree with that statement. There is no way that I would of been born with this sort of soul if it didn’t have purpose. I have felt for many years that there must be something wrong with me because there are not many people like me. My mom, she gave me this gift. She is an amazing soul, she to feels others emotions. She would do anything to help anyone even a total stranger. We struggled growing up, we were poor, she was a single mom and there was a lot trials to overcome. Through it all she always helped others, showing love in the ways she knew how. She may not of had anything material to give but she would give her all, all her energy, all her love into whatever she was doing.

With saying all this I have watched what others will do to your spirit if you give them the power.  She has given them the power for so long that she has lost herself, she has become bitter and sad. This did not happen because she is a different soul, it happen because others used her to make themselves stronger, leaving her exhausted and lost. I have noticed some of the same patterns within myself. I have decided to take the power back. I know very well that patterns are hard to break, but I will do this. I will put my energy in those who deserve it and are present. I will give my love to those who will carry it and pass it on to those who need it. I will help build my mom back up. She will once again smile and be able to give her gift of love to those who deserve it. I realize that there will be ones that were once close to me that will not be present. .. and well, that is OK. I will continue to hope for them but they will no longer conceal my heart, share my energy or effect the gift I given.

One day at a time.. one healing hug at a time..a gesture of kindness  a day and the thoughts that haunt me with worry will start to fade and I will have my power back.

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